Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I LOVE PARKWAY/ A Thousand Questions

This is an incredible video that we watched at church.....

It also prompted me to write this....
Tonight I went to a dinner at Parkway and I had some thoughts I want to share. I was there, doing something that I've come to love, which is serving on the hospitality team. Which, is basically, setting up, serving food/drinks, cleaning up, etc. Tonight's event was catered so we were just there to help out as needed. I love this ministry because first of all, it's one of the gifts God has given me and I love using it. Secondly, I love serving the family of PCC in any way that I can and this is a small way that I can do that.

So, tonight, a few people stood up and spoke at the dinner, and one of the staff talked about how he loves Parkway, how the pastor and people are so "real", another talked about how much her and her husband had been changed since they started attending. All of the people who spoke were funny, honest, "real" and I thought to myself, this is a perfect example of the family of Parkway.
It also got me thinking about how blessed I feel to be a part of that family.

We watched a video called "A Thousand Questions" and it was basically about how there is so much evil, hate, violence, hunger, poverty, the world, but there are people who say "Here am I, Send Me" and ask God to send them out into that world to change it for the better. No matter where in the world that is, they GO. They don't ask why, how, what? They just GO. No questions fear, no doubts (well, maybe a few...) but they follow God's will and plan for their lives and are able to change it, a little at a time.

When we started coming to PCC about 5 years ago, we were different people. Every person we have met, the experiences we have had and the way we have grown has been directly caused by us attending Parkway. God led us to this church for a reason and I have only seen a small part of that and I know there is much more to come.

My husband is a different person than when we first started coming to PCC. He is now the missions director and sets up all the mission trips for the church. We both feel he was meant to do this, and wish he could do it as his full time job...People that knew him 15-20 years ago would NOT recognize the person he has become and I am proud to say he is my husband.

He left this morning for his 5th trip to an orphange in Haiti, where he loves to go and this time, he took our 13 yr old., Helayna.

She has wanted to go for about 2 years, but I have to admit, I was scared.... and just recently, I told her she could go after hearing a missionary speak about how "we are never safer than in the middle of God's will". It is a hard thing to allow your baby to go to a 3rd world country, but when you know she is doing God's will, it's a hard thing not to let her go. How could I? So, I "let her go"...not just to Haiti, but in general.

I don't think that, 5 years ago, they would be going to Haiti. I think we would've found excuses not to go. Whether it be money, time, fear....But I think we all agree now, that when God calls you to do something or to GO somewhere, you matter what. And I am so proud of Eric and Helayna for doing just that. While I was watching the video, I thought of them and I realized that they are doing exactly what they were meant to do. It made me cry.

My teenager is going to Haiti, to an orphanage to serve and love those who are in poverty and need it. If not her, than who?

I think, so often, we are scared to GO and do what we feel we should...but if not us, than who? We all should be willing to say "Here am I, Send Me" and not give it a second thought. If we could all do that, this world would start to be a better place. But it's hard....and scary....

I was so sad this morning when Helayna left, and my Parkway family came through for me...I got texts, emails and calls, asking how I was. And then tonight, at the church, my friends came up and gave me hugs and asked how I was doing. I could tell they understood and knew how hard it was for me to let her go. But, to have those people there who care enough to ask, is a wonderful feeling and I am so thankful for them.

Parkway is going to be BIG. I can feel it and I know it, in my heart. And not only the building, but the church itself. I am thrilled to see that 2nd building starting to be built because I know it's going to affect many people and I can't wait to see that.

That it's going to be big isn't the most exciting part, though. Like Trent always says, it's just a building. It's the people inside that matter, that are the church. And I have found this, 100% to be true.
I see how packed we are, and how you can't walk down the hallway without bumping into someone...which is sometimes fun, since you see so many people you know...but sometimes, it's not so great, like on those HOT summer days when you'd rather not bump into other people!!! Having a bigger building will allow others in Surprise to come and see what we're all about and join in on the wonderful things that are happening....and I can't wait to see that happen.

I love this place so much and I never want to leave. I want to be here to see it grow and to be a part of that growth. I feel entirely blessed that my family is a part of the Parkway family and I love and appreciate ever single person who has affected our lives there.
There is something different and wonderful about it and I can't imagine our lives without Parkway in it.

So, thank you to Trent, for being "real", for being a wonderful teacher and a huge part of our growth. Also, for inspiring me to be a better person and Christian and for challenging me, constantly. Once we stop being challenged, I think we stop growing and I never want that to happen. I respect and admire you for the leader you are and I think your honesty is infectious. You have changed our family and I thank you for the part you have played in our growth.

Thank you to my family at Parkway. There are so many of you who I love, admire, respect and appreciate. You are there for me, when I need you and I am constantly reminded of what a true Christian family is. You help hold me up when I am down...I was so sad this morning, but when I heard your messages or saw you tonight, I felt the sadness lift a little. I felt loved and supported and isn't that what family is? When i am going through something, and you are praying for me, I feel your support and it helps me to get through whatever it is. It makes me feel "protected" in a way. I also feel appreciated for what I do there and even though it's not necessary, it sure helps!

I can't say enough about how much I love Parkway, but this is just a little example of how I feel.


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