Monday, April 26, 2010

5 things.............

So, I'm going to steal an idea from a couple friends' blogs and let you know 5 fun facts about each member of my family. Well, they may not be "fun" but hopefully they will give you a little update on all of us and look inside our family.
So, here goes:

I will start from our youngest, Sebastian 1 yr old:
1. His favorite word is Dadadadada
2. He is ALWAYS jumping!!! Either in his crib, in the pack & play or on the ground
3. He rarely cries, only when he goes to bed or down for a nap or when he fell and bit through his tongue the other day (poor little guy)
4.He LOVES to pull Mia's hair (She, on the other hand, doesn't love it so much)
5. He came home to us from Haiti almost exactly 3 months ago and it seems like he's always been here....

Mia, 6
1. Is coloring/drawing/writing at least 75% of the time she is awake
2. Her favorite food is Ramen Noodles
3. She just hit the 30 lb mark on the scale and we all celebrated!
4. She asks me about 100 questions a day....
5. She loves to read and be read to

Helayna, 14
1. is so wonderful when it comes to helping with her little brother and sister
2. was homeschooled up until 7th grade, when we sent her to a charter school
3. Has a VERY VERY silly side that only family and close friends get to see
4. HATES to wake up early, but will wake up 2 hours before school because looking good is more important than sleep to her
5. wants to live in Haiti and be a nurse

Eric, 39 (haha)
1. Also wants to live in Haiti...but not be a nurse:)
2. Spends most of his time working on our new project in Haiti, "Leve Project"
3. Is an amazing father and husband and although I tell him this, I probably don't do it enough
4. his favorite past time is working out (as most of you probably know)
5. He loves to grocery shop (I know, right?)

Me (Michele), also 39 (I am trying to embrace it!)
1. might be able to be talked in to living in Haiti, if that is where God calls us
2. LOVES to read and tries to every night
3. found out today that I am terrified of heights when I tried to climb down a ladder
4. could live on chocolate, bread and water
5. wants to go on a helicopter ride sometime in the near future

And there you have it!
Hope you enjoyed learning a little about us....

1 comment:

KARRIE said...

I love the "5 things" lists!